PRATOLA. After months of battles and requests, the queue-busting machine has finally arrived at the Pratola post office. The service, which allows you to avoid waiting, especially makes it easier for the elderly when it comes to collecting their pension. The spokesperson for the pensioners’ requests was Carlo Cocco, secretary of the Spi-Cgil. «We are satisfied (like CGIL, CISL and UIL) to be able to announce this beautiful news to the citizens of Pratola, requested not only by us but also by the Municipality», states Cocco.
Now, however, the battle continues over staff expansion and afternoon openings.
«The battle for strengthening the staff and extending the opening hours to the public also in the afternoon remains open», adds, in fact, Cocco. «A request for a meeting has already been forwarded to the director of the L’Aquila branch of the Italian Post Office
to discuss the strengthening of the staff and to make it possible to extend the opening hours to the public also in the afternoon. The battle will continue, something all the citizens of Pratola can be sure of.” (fp)
Source: Il Centro (Ed. L’Aquila)